Big Brother’s Izzy Gleicher Explains Where Feud With Cameron Hardin Started And The Possibility Of A Rematch On The Challenge

123movies azMay 31, 2024

Izzy took us back to the start of it all.

Cameron Hardin’s second Head of Household on Big Brother originally seemed like it would be a dud, but it ended up being one of the biggest weeks of Season 25. This was partly because of Cory Wurtenberger and America Lopez’s big vote flip, which ultimately led to Cirie Fields’ key ally Izzy Gleicher being sent home way earlier than she intended. Now that she’s out of the game, CinemaBlend decided to take the chance to talk to Izzy about her long-running feud with Cameron and the potential opportunity to get revenge on him one day on The Challenge

I spoke to Izzy the morning following her eviction and questioned the former Houseguest about her feud with Cameron that those watching Big Brother’s online live feeds with a Paramount+ subscription will note happened almost immediately. I wanted to know just how soon she felt uncomfortable with him, and I found out it was from their very first conversation: 

In our very first conversation, when we were all introducing ourselves, he basically refused to look at me in the eyes. He was facing one way, and I was looking at him, and he would give me his, very Cam, one-word or one-sentence answers, and I just knew that he had no interest in engaging with me. How can I play a social game with someone that won’t engage socially with me? So it sort of started from that moment.

It appears that there was never a real opportunity for Izzy and Cameron to get off on the right foot and that these two never had a realistic opportunity to work together. That shouldn’t be any real surprise to Big Brother fans, of course, because their animosity for one another was well-documented. At the same time, it is interesting to hear in her words where this all started and why she felt uncomfortable with him so early on. 

I then followed up by reminding Izzy, who ended up not being a nightmare for Cirie’s game after all, that former Big Brother Houseguests often get invited to The Challenge. If she was looking to get revenge on Cameron, that would be the place to do it. I asked if that’s something she’d be interested in since she’d be able to potentially settle the score with her BB rival: 

I mean, look, I’m obsessed with The Challenge…I think I would die if I was on The Challenge [laughs]. I hope you all know that I’m pretty self-aware. I think I wouldn’t be that successful on The Challenge. I think, unfortunately, Cameron would kick my ass, and that would be pretty devastating. But put us in a room with a bunch of people, and I’ll beat Cameron every day. I did do better than him on that Piggy Pals punishment. I just want that for the record. I kicked his ass in that punishment.

Let the record show that Izzy did dominate Cameron in the Piggy Pals punishment, which required them to transport dirt from one location to the next using tiny cups. All credit to her for not self-evicting right there, but I guess the drive to force her enemy to endure the same punishment gave her the strength to carry on. 

Izzy is out of the house, but there’s a question of when Cameron might leave. Currently, there’s a new Head of Household in Week 7, and there is a possibility that Cameron will once again find himself on the block. It’s still too early to say whether or not he’ll be going home soon or find some way to extend his life in the game much further. It wasn’t that long ago we all thought Izzy would be in the Final Three, so who knows what is going to happen this week!

Big Brother has a new episode on Sunday, September 17th, at 10:30 p.m. ET. Those who don’t have Paramount+ can still watch the live feeds thanks to an ad-supported stream over on Pluto TV. 
