Big Brother 25’s Cirie Is Playing A Game Straight Out Of Her Survivor Playbook, And It’s Either Insanely Chaotic Or Brilliant

123movies azMay 8, 2024

Is this chaotic or masterful gameplay?

Cirie Fields may have never won Survivor, but her four appearances on the show cemented her as one of the greatest minds in reality game show television. She’s only proven that further on shows like Snake In The Grass and The Traitors, but has she met her match with Big Brother? Season 25 is chaotic, and with Cirie at the center of it all, I can’t figure out if this is another brilliant showcase of her gameplay or the chaotic result of playing a game that goes way longer than Survivor

We’re now a decent way into Season 25, and I still go back and forth on whether or not this gameplay is deliberate strategy by Cirie or something else. Below, I’ll talk out my ever-changing mindset, but ultimately, it’s up for the reader to analyze and make their own judgment on Cirie’s game because I’m still wrestling between these different explanations. 

Big Brother 25's Cirie Is Playing A Game Straight Out Of Her Survivor Playbook, And It's Either Insanely Chaotic Or Brilliant

(Image credit: CBS)

Cirie Is Intentionally Creating Chaos To Lessen Her Presence In The Game

Typically when any Houseguest of note enters Big Brother, they have a huge target on their back. As a veteran of several reality shows and a former Survivor player against many super fans, everyone is well-aware that Cirie is a skilled strategist. And yet, it doesn’t seem like anyone has seriously identified her as a person they need to evict, even in conversations regarding her alliances. 

My theory behind this is that Cirie has spent weeks constantly starting conversations with others about shifting targets and talking about other people they need to get out of the game. In doing so, she’s created a bond with several people in the house, all of whom think she’s the key to getting the one or two people they most want out of the game. Meanwhile, everyone ignores that she’s the obvious choice for someone who must leave as soon as possible for reasons beyond her resume of past reality shows. Again, I don’t know if Cirie is intentionally doing this, but it’s working out for her quite well. 

Cirie Fields on Big Brother

(Image credit: CBS)

Cirie Isn’t Intentionally Creating Chaos, She’s Just Used To More Fast-Paced Shows Like Survivor

Another theory is that the pace of Big Brother is just too damn slow for the Survivor veteran. Cirie is used to a game that lasts a month, and Season 25 is going to run 100 days total if she makes it to the end. That means the time between eliminations is much longer, and with literal days to think through her strategy, is it possible that Cirie just gets a bit antsy and overplays the game? 

It definitely feels that way, especially in the first few eliminations where Cirie would help rally the house for some wild vote flip and then spend the rest of the week undoing it so that everything could go as originally planned. There’s been chaos in the house so many times for plans that never came to be in the end. Don’t get me wrong, I’d much rather watch live feeds with my Paramount+ subscription when that’s happening compared to some of the boring feeds of past seasons, but if the end result is the same, it can get tiresome. Fortunately, if she is overplaying, it’s not really impacting her game negatively because this Big Brother house seems to be full of people doing the exact same thing. 

Cirie on Big Brother on CBS

(Image credit: CBS)

Everyone Else Is Responsible To The Chaos, And Cirie Is Just Steering It To Her Advantage

I can also buy the theory that Cirie Fields isn’t responsible for any of the chaos we see in Big Brother, and she’s just doing her best to go with the flow. She’s the reality show Hall of Famer who’s playing the game with a bunch of amateurs who want to make big moves, so it’s going to get messy on a weekly basis. Perhaps all of the game’s chaos would still be there if she wasn’t in the house, and it’s only noticeable because Cirie is working her hardest to make sure that it doesn’t impact her. I’d have to wonder if the plan to blindside Hisam Goueli would’ve happened regardless if she was in the house or not. 

At the end of the day, Cirie doesn’t have to try that hard to keep the target off her back. So many people in this game believe they have her as a Final Three ally at the very least, mainly because all of them but Izzy Gleicher don’t know that she’s playing the game with her son, Jared Fields. As long as Cirie doesn’t have to worry about her or Jared going up on the block, she’s seemingly okay with what happens on a week-to-week basis for the time being. 

Cirie Fields in Big Brother on CBS

(Image credit: CBS)

Will This Strategy Help Cirie Win Big Brother 25? 

Whether the chaos is intentional or not, those who are watching Big Brother online or on CBS have to notice that Cirie is in a phenomenal position in this game. I’d even go so far as to say that even if she lost Jared and Izzy ahead of the jury period (which will likely not happen), she’d still have plenty of allies to reach the endgame. Granted, it wouldn’t be as comfortable of a ride as she has right now, but I like her odds of making it to the endgame. 

Then again, this is Big Brother, and we should always expect the unexpected. Cirie could be on the block the minute the house knows she’s related to Jared or when a Houseguest finally gets brave and wants to go after the top dog in the house to make a big game move. So far, it doesn’t seem like that’s close to happening, but I wouldn’t rule it out towards the end of the game. 

 Big Brother currently airs on CBS on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, but that schedule will soon change thanks to the return of the NFL. Be sure to keep track of all the schedule changes for episodes in the coming weeks, and stick with CinemaBlend for more about what’s happening on the live feeds and likely won’t be shown during the episodes. 
