Except For Two Family Members, The Duggars Have Been Uncharacteristically Quiet About Jill’s Upcoming Book

123movies azOctober 2, 2023

It’s been quiet on the Duggar front… ish.

Except For Two Family Members, The Duggars Have Been Uncharacteristically Quiet About Jill’s Upcoming Book

Following the success of Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Becoming Free Indeed, her sister Jill Duggar Dillard is publishing her own memoir. The announcement about Counting The Cost just came a couple of months ago, and surprisingly the Duggar family has been a bit quiet about the release — particularly when it comes to sister Jinger. However, two family members have spoken out. 

Those family members would be Amy King and her mother Deanna (Jim Bob’s sister) who have been the most supportive of Jill’s upcoming endeavor. In her Instagram post announcing the endeavor, Amy spoke about her cousin being “inspiring.”

What an inspiring couple you and Derrick are! I love how God is opening doors for y’all! Cuz, you are so brave and strong and your voice will be heard loud and clear! it might not be the path you would have chosen… but through all the darkness and heartache God is going to get the glory! I couldn’t be more proud of you!🥹 Love.

More recently, Deanna noted on a post related to Jill announcing her book tour that she was proud of Jill’s efforts. In another post, she said she can’t “wait to get a copy and read it!” in regards to her niece’s book. 

I am so proud of you Jill! Love ya’ll!❤️ Aunt Deanna.

In the past, varying Duggars have felt the need to speak out when something notable happens within the family. We get blog and vlog updates when babies are born, but even Jim Bob and Michelle wrote a post after their son Josh was convicted on charges of receiving and possessing child pornography. So on the one hand it’s a little surprising that Jill’s immediately family has not really spoken about Counting the Cost

On the other hand, Jill has been outspoken in recent months about the environment she grew up in, appearing in the documentary Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets (which her sister Jinger avoided). She and her husband Derick have also been outspoken about the problems they had filming Counting On and they don’t seem to be in a good place with their relationship with Jim Bob Duggar, either.  

So, tensision do seem to be there. Still, I’m a little surprised about Jinger Vuolo seemingly not being supportive. When she announced her own book Becoming Free Indeed, Jill was supportive and among the first people to comment. She promoted the book to her followers and noted at the time:

Proud of you sis and following God’s leading in your life! Look forward to reading the book!

Meanwhile, Jinger’s been radio silent about her sister’s book. And her brother Jed even liked some comments on social media that seemed negative about the tell-all. For example, one fan wrote about how they could not “imagine my children writing tell all books about my family.” Jed liked that comment.

All of this would support Jill and Derick’s own assertion that there’s been “some distancing there” when it comes to her family. Still, she’s still been seen with mom Michelle Duggar and her sisters on an outing over the summer, so it’s not a full estrangement or anything. 

We’ll have to wait and see what happens when Counting The Cost is released on September 12. Pre-order a copy on Amazon now.

Jessica Rawden

Reality TV fan with a pinch of Disney fairy dust thrown in. Theme park junkie. If you’ve created a rom-com I’ve probably watched it.
