Patrick Swayze’s Widow Recalls The Road House Line That Always Sticks With Her, And Fan Fave Sam Elliott Is Involved

123movies azSeptember 25, 2024

The Road House line that Patrick Swayze’s widow remembers most is actually spoken by his co-star.

Patrick Swayze wasn’t an actor that was going to be nominated for a bunch of big awards but he was in some absolutely great films. Several of the best ’80s movies and best ’90s movies include Swayze, from The Outsiders, to Dirty Dancing, to Point Break to Ghost he was in a lot of movies that people love and love to rewatch. Even Swayze’s widow will sometimes rewatch his films, and she has her favorite moments just like the rest of us.

Lisa Niemi Swayze recently spoke to People where she admitted that she’ll sometimes watch her late husband’s films. She’ll catch them on TV now and then and end up watching them. And it turns out she sometimes gains a new appreciation for the films. She said that she rewatched Road House some time ago and was actually surprised at how much she enjoyed it. She explained…

Every once in a while, yes! I catch a little bit here and there, and a few years ago, I watched Road House, and I was like, ‘Wait a second. This is really great. This is so campy.’

Road House is pretty campy, it’s hard to argue that, but the movie struck a chord with many fans as it’s one of Patrick Swayze’s best movies in the eyes of many. Swayze passed away in 2009, but movies have lived on. It’s certainly popular enough that it generated a recent remake starring Jake Gyllenhaal, a movie that was so popular in its own right that a Road House sequel was just given the green light.

While Patrick Swayze’s widow may have developed a newfound love for Road House, her favorite line in the movie is actually spoken by Sam Elliott, when he tells Swayze’s character how “fucked up” he is. For Lisa Niemi Swayze, it seems the line is emblematic of why Road House works so well and people love it so much. She continued…

When Sam [Elliott] says, ‘Mijo, you’re really fucked up,’ I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, you really are.’ It’s amazing because it’s so campy, and yet it has a heart.

Technically, Lisa Niemi Swayze is misquoting the line slightly, though she says she saw the movie years ago, so that’s not a shock. Elliott actually says “Well Amigo, you’re all fucked up, aren’t ya?” The sentiment in the line is what matters, and it is delivered quite well. Check out the full scene below.

While the new Road House reviews were solid and it was certainly popular, and in some ways was better than the original, it will be some time before we really know if it will be as meaningful as the original. There is some real love for that film, including from Patrick Swayze’s widow, who appreciates the film and what it is.
