Sophie Turner And Joe Jonas Spent 8 Hours Stuck In A Room Together Yesterday. What They’re Hashing Out With Their Divorce

123movies azJuly 25, 2024

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have decided to split, but they’re going to be spending a lot of time together for the next few days.

Sophie Turner And Joe Jonas Spent 8 Hours Stuck In A Room Together Yesterday. What They're Hashing Out With Their Divorce

The split between celebs Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas has been headline news for just about one month. But while some separations take years to complete, this one is moving at lightning speed. The couple is already working on the terms of their divorce and child custody via mediation, which resulted in the pair spending eight hours in a room together. And that will apparently be the case for the next three days. 

Wednesday was day one of a scheduled four-day mediation in which the couple will work out the terms of their divorce and custody of the two children. Page Six caught Turner leaving the building and called her look “exhausted” which is honestly to be expected. Spending an entire day dealing with heavy issues like this, which will have significant future repercussions, has to be tough. And the fact that they’ll be doing this for three more days, we can expect both parties to be mentally drained.

Joe Jonas is asking for 50/50 custody, which would require the kids to spend half their time in the U.S. and half their time in the U.K. as Turner wanted the family to live in England. Jonas is reportedly okay with the kids splitting their time between the two countries, but it’s unclear if such an arrangement would be acceptable to Turner.

Anonymous reports have claimed that Jonas and Turner have very different lifestyles, which is one of the major reasons the couple made the decision to split. However, by all reports, both the celebs are putting the children first and are looking to do what is best for them. Of course, what’s less clear is if they both have the same understanding of what that means.

The home for the children has already been a contentious issue, as Jonas had the children with him when he officially filed for divorce in the U.S. Turner has filed a lawsuit against her husband over that, as she had asked the children be returned to the U.K. The couple has currently agreed to reside in New York while the mediation proceedings continue. Turner is currently staying with the children in an apartment owned by friend Taylor Swift.

We’ve seen child custody issues cause divorce proceedings to stretch on for quite some time. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are still dealing with the terms of their divorce years after they were legally separated and custody has been one the primary factors that has delayed the conclusion of the divorce.

An official court date has been set for January 2, but if mediation goes well and the couple is able to come to agreements on whatever the outstanding issues are, it’s possible the divorce and custody could be handled before things ever get there. We’ll have to wait and see where things stand at the end of this mediation period. 
