Watching Chris Evans Play With Dogs At A Shelter Is Maybe The Cutest Thing I’ve Ever Seen

123movies azSeptember 10, 2023

Chris Evans’ love of dogs shines through once again.

Watching Chris Evans Play With Dogs At A Shelter Is Maybe The Cutest Thing I've Ever Seen

Chris Evans is a prime example of a celeb who loves to be adorable with his dog. However, he also loves all dogs, and anytime I see a new video of him with his pet Dodger or any other canine I can’t help but smile from ear to ear. If you want to gush even more, the Captain America actor recently visited an animal shelter showing the cutest displays of affection towards these four-legged animals.

There’s something about being face-to-face with a dog that makes you experience all the feels. With that said, get ready to watch the cutest thing I’ve ever seen as Chris Evans’ shared his visit to New York City’s Animal Haven shelter on Jinx’s TikTok. Take a look at the most heartwarming video down below.

♬ original sound – Jinx

Anyone who turns into a pile of mush being surrounded by dogs fits in very well in my book. Chris Evans was introduced by the shelter’s executive director to several canines in their kennels waiting to be adopted. There, he met the lively Pippa walking around with a “bum” back leg, the shy Akira, and many other pups who couldn’t wait to surround the Marvel star as he gave them treats. I can’t help but be insanely jealous of him. 

While treasuring these soon-to-be adopted dogs with belly rubs, Evans generously gave them treats from Jinx, the premium dog wellness Brand the Ghosted actor is partners with. As the video ends with these little pups dog-piling on the overjoyed actor, you can see that Evans truly does have a heart of gold. One thing we need to thank Jinx for, as the American actor mentioned, is that a year’s worth of dog food will be donated to the future owners of these dogs. Considering how precious all of the dogs in the video (and Evans) look, I can’t imagine them having problems finding good homes. 

Chris Evans certainly has experience with rescuing a dog. Back in 2017 when he was in the middle of filming Gifted, the Fantastic Four star adopted Dodger — and yes, he was named after Billy Joel’s character from Oliver and Company. As a new friendship was formed, you better believe there were plenty of adventures between the two of them to follow. 

For example, there was the time he tried to groom Dodger (which turned out to be a fiasco). And we can’t forget the sweet story about him sewing up one of Dodger’s dog toys so that it would be ready for the pup after his hip surgery. Evans continued being a Dog Dad by scheduling weekend pup playdates and posting utterly sweet dog pics of him like when Dodger wore one of the actor’s shrunken shirts from The Gray Man. While we all know how much love Evans has for his own pup, this TikTok also proved his adoration for all dogs, and it made my heart melt. 

Watching the cutest video of Chris Evans playing with several dogs at an animal shelter can probably make anyone want to go out and adopt a bundle of love. And while you ponder if you should bring home a new dog, give the 2023 movie schedule a look so you’re caught up on this Dad Dog’s latest films. 

Carly Levy

Just your average South Floridian cinephile who believes the pen is mightier than the sword.
